17 May 2008

Private Jet for Yang Dikasihi

Latest private jet of Hornbill, for exclusive use of top state government officials. ATM could mean Abdul Taib Mahmud, the Chief Minister of Sarawak. Read More

While the ulu's people desperately using "jalai batu", our Yang Dikasihi is enjoying his private jets since 1995 (or before). Some aviation photographer also claimed that they has taken this photo at Australia. It is also report that he is using that jet to fly from Kuching to London

Stolen From Lim Kit Siang blog
This morning, it was reported on the Internet that the Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Taib Mahmud had taken off to London in his private jet. I have also received calls from Kuching from very angry Kuchingites claiming that apart from the Sarawak Chief Minister, other State Ministers have also left the state for overseas. The names given were the Environment Minister, Datuk James Wong, the Industries Minister, Datuk Abang Johari and the Tourism Minister, Datuk James Masing.

Fantatic huh? Its all our money la kawan. We must say NEXT to Yang Dikasihi. he is no longer releven. His state and federal government failed to rule Sarawak.Say NEXT. let others rule

16 May 2008

SMS Maut

Gue dah bilang dong, cerita kayak gitu ya emangnya cerita karut. Masakan jawap HP bisa maut.... cerita karut.

Macam tu lah respon seorang pekerja asing dari Indonesia yang bekerja di Lotus Court apabila ditanya mengenai kekronikan yang berlaku seluruh malaysia. kalau di Malaysia ni kan, kalau cerita karut karut.. wah, nombor satu. Dari kampung ke pekan ke bandar.

Ingat sik crita "SARS dan Kacang Hijau suatu masa dulu". Anyway, best jugak. Ader pesta bubur

Keratan Akhbar diatas ihsan dari RumahDayak.net